Submit your Student Profile Form before March 1!

Posted on Friday, February 16th, 2024

A small group of students sit on a picnic table in the heart of campus, next to The Canon.
Submit the SPF by March 1 to increase your chances of becoming a Guelph Gryphon!

Still waiting on an offer of admission to U of G? Canadian high school students still awaiting an admission decision are encouraged to submit the optional – yet highly recommended – Student Profile Form (SPF)  by March 1.

What is a Student Profile Form and why should I submit one?

  • The SPF is your opportunity to inform us about activities you’ve been involved in and how they have helped you develop leadership and citizenship qualities.  It is also a good opportunity to fill us in on factors beyond your control that have negatively affected your academic performance, such as illness or personal circumstances.
  • The SPF form is optional.  If your admission average in May does not meet the cut-off for the program, your SPF will be considered if your average falls within a discretionary range of the final cut-off (usually up to 5%). 
  • Your SPF is used solely for admission consideration and all information and documentation submitted will be held in strict confidence.

Where do I find the SPF and when/how do I submit it?

Access the SPF from our website and fill it out online before March 1st, 2024 at 11:59 PM.  You will need your 7 digit University of Guelph ID number and a 10 digit OUAC reference number that were assigned to you when you completed your application.  When submitting your SPF, you will be prompted to enter these numbers to ensure your completed form is associated with your application.

How To Prepare An Excellent SPF Form

  1. Use full sentences rather than point form.  Writing in full sentences gives you the best opportunity to highlight your strengths, describe your interest in your chosen program, showcase your community involvement, and explain any poor academic performances.
  2. Write your answers yourself. There is no better person to reflect on what you can bring to the table than you!
  3. When discussing poor performance in a course, be honest about past shortcomings or decisions and identify ways you will improve.  Everyone makes mistakes.  The Admission Services team wants to know what you learned from those mistakes and what strategies you will use to do better in the future.
  4. Find two references.  Great people to ask to be references would be teachers, counsellors, or school administrators who know you well.  Your other reference could be someone from your community such as a group leader, coach or individual who is aware of your personal situation. (Referees will not be required to submit a reference letter.)

More Tips

  1. Write in a separate word processing application, then copy and paste your answers into the webpage’s answer boxes when ready to submit.  The webpage is automatically refreshed every hour, so you risk losing all of your work if you only record your answers there.
  2. Check your work to ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors.  You can only submit the form once, so make sure to proofread before submission!
  3. Ensure your answers fit within the space allotted.  The answer boxes on the webpage will not hold more than 250/350 words depending on the question, so use the Word Count tool on your word processor or an online word counter to make sure you’re under the limit!

We hope these tips help you, Future Gryphons!  Best of luck with writing your SPF and with your application to the U of G.  As always, feel free to reach out to us at or DM us on our Instagram @uofgadmission with any questions!


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